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“Federal agencies are filled with dedicated HR and Civil Rights teams, fully committed to carrying out their agencies' missions, and the expertise provided by the entire GovStrive family is a crucial part of helping many of these teams succeed and fulfill their agencies' missions.”

Clyde Thompson

Senior Vice President

Clyde Thompson joined GovStrive in 2013 as its Senior Vice President, bringing with him 36 years of dedicated federal government service—with 18 of those years in the Senior Executive Service. His federal career spans USDA’s department and agency levels and includes key leadership roles in his tenures as Deputy Administrator for Operations and Management for Rural Development; the Department’s Associate Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights and its Associate Assistant Secretary for Administration; and as Deputy Chief for Business Operations for the Forest Service. His business acumen traverses the realm of setting management agendas, executing multi-billion dollar annually appropriated budgets, and safeguarding portfolios valued in excess of $125B. Clyde’s executive proclivity earned him two Presidential Meritorious Rank Awards, the second-highest annual award given only to the top 5% of Senior Executive Service members.

He is renowned for pioneering the development of new business processes and for reengineering federal Human Resources and Civil Rights operations to institutionalize lasting efficiencies and effectiveness. Clyde’s proficiency in achieving major program goals and mission objectives, in building and sustaining coalitions, and in exceeding customer experience expectations are distinguishing capabilities and instrumental in fueling the Power of GovStrive.

He holds a B.S. in Business Administration from Jackson State University and an MBA from the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater.


Our Work Environment Assessments

Improving Federal Work Environments Through Data-Driven Insights

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