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Our Work Environment Assessments:
Improving Federal Work Environments Through Data-Driven Insights

Our Approach to Work Environment Assessments

GovStrive offers work environment assessments that give Federal agencies the tools and insights to continuously improve workspaces. This is achieved using rigorous surveys, focus groups, standard reports, and data-driven action plans – all tailored to each Federal agency’s needs.


GovStrive’s work environment assessments go beyond the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS). They supplement your existing workforce data with additional surveys and focus groups that collect feedback directly from the employee – all of which are crucial to enhancing the work environment and improving retention for your agency.

The GovStrive Difference

We offer a comprehensive survey designed to fit your agency’s needs and rapid, large-scale, and open-ended feedback analyses of that data. This includes diagnostic metrics and reporting, action planning framework and consulting, and optional pulse surveys to track your progress.


Survey development based on your agency’s requirements.
Peer review research.
Field testing for quality assurance.
Survey administration to the workforce population.
Communications and support for survey participations.
Participation monitoring to ensure high response rates.
Analyses and reporting on survey data outcomes.

Work Environment Assessments

GovStrive’s environment assessments are an excellent way to gather feedback directly from employees on their perspectives across several factors that contribute to a safe and positive work environment.

Employee Training & Development Assessments

Employee training and development assessments from GovStrive evaluate the delivery, experience, and curriculum of programs intended to train and advance employees within the agency for professional growth.

Employee Exit Surveys

Exit surveys provide valuable insights into reasons why employees transition out of the agency. Understanding reasons behind turnover can support the agency in addressing underlying issues and improve retention over time.

Employee Stay Surveys

GovStrive’s stay surveys take a proactive approach to collecting feedback from agency employees while they are with the organization. These surveys identify factors that help with retention and mitigate potential issues early on.

Employee Pulse Surveys

Our pulse surveys allow agencies to get an ongoing read – or “pulse” – on their workforce across several topics of interest. This tool is an excellent way to monitor progress and make continuous improvements.

Action Planning

GovStrive has developed a proprietary action plan framework to enhance federal work environments based on assessment outcomes. Our model takes agency leaders through four important steps:

  • Research: Gathering extra information to back up action plans after completing evaluations.
  • Development: Creating a plan with clear goals and steps for making improvements.
  • Implementation: Putting the plan into action with the necessary people involved.
  • Evaluation: Checking how well the plan is working, using FEVS results, expert knowledge, and our optional pulse surveys.


Our work environment assessments are priced per evaluation based on the size of your workforce. GovStrive’s pricing includes the configuration of the survey, survey deployment, analysis, and reporting. Additional pulse surveys can be added at the request of the agency.

For More Information:

We look forward to working with your agency and hearing from you soon. For more information about our Work Environment Assessments, please send communications to:

Director of Workforce Analytics and Technology Solutions

Our Work Environment Assessments

Improving Federal Work Environments Through Data-Driven Insights

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