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HR Service Delivery

hr service delivery

Modern HR Service Delivery Models

The federal government continues to shift business models, governance models, technologies, and policies. All the while, changes to workforce demographics influence the way HR organizations must conduct business and respond to their customers: the employee.

The way in which HR business once operated is no longer viable, and leaders are scrambling to reposition their organizations and retool their workforces to become strategic business partners and advisors.

Effective HR Service Delivery offers a framework for how an organization delivers integrated HR services to its employees.

Our Service Delivery Services Include:

Shared Service Implementation

Supports the stand-up, management and improvement of shared service models

HR Program Assessment

Provides insight into how programs are performing against desired goals and outcomes

Organizational Design Support

Assesses an Agency’s organizational structure relative to mission, vision, and goals

Our Transformation Services Will Help:


Assess current services being provided against organization’s goals and objectives; determine what services are being offered and what services will be needed in the future


Develop and evaluate options to find the right blend of strategic and operational support that work; determine who will deliver the services; assess competencies and skills of staff, will they need to be developed or brought in?


Select a service model and plan for the transformation to address how the selected model will interact with its partners and stakeholders and conduct outreach and benchmarking

Leveraging intimate knowledge of government mandates, departmental HR models, service providers, and agency capabilities, GovStrive offers its clients a proven framework and process, supported by turn-key tools and templates to reconfigure HR operations and technologies, and support implementation.

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We’re here when you need someone to tackle complex federal workforce and
HR problems through collaboration, innovation, and experience.


Our Work Environment Assessments

Improving Federal Work Environments Through Data-Driven Insights

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