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Dashboards &
Decision Support

hr dashboard


Federal government agencies compile voluminous data through various systems and manual tracking mechanisms, but it is often inaccessible, inaccurate or hard to understand. Building on OPM’s guidance to use data more strategically to inform workforce planning, GovStrive partners with federal HR organizations to develop comprehensive analytics solutions that address operational pain points and strategic workforce priorities.

Our holistic understanding of federal data systems and processes enable federal human capital leaders to gain insight and make better decisions through our comprehensive analysis of multiple data sources, and easy-to-view presentation of that insight using our federal HR dashboard. We also help agencies’ data clean-up initiatives.

Our analytics solutions enable leaders to make data-driven decisions, enhance reporting, and manage HR workloads more efficiently, with little investment of time, manpower, and financial resources.

We help federal HR Leaders better understand their current workforce and employee engagement, predict future workforce trends, and manage the ever-changing workload of HR functions.


Workforce Profiles:

Provide a current state (near real-time) assessment of the workforce based on key demographic variables and automate common HR reporting needs based on authoritative data.

Pathways Program Management:

Help manage the Pathways Program by understanding trends for hires into the program, tracking current students/interns, and assessing Pathways conversions to full-time employees.  Use these trends to inform future hiring strategies and understand long term trends for students from the program throughout their careers.

Workforce Trends:

Assess hiring, attrition, and other workforce trends over time to inform future organizational and HR decisions.  Comprehensive management tools to track hiring actions and identify bottlenecks.

Demographics Reporting:

Improve ability to aggregate and analyze demographic data, navigate complex business rules, develop visualizations and seamlessly populate tables.

HR Operations Tracking:

Monitor, track, and assess transactional HR data to improve efficiency in reporting and to inform refinement and enhancements to operational processes (e.g., Recruitment & Staffing, Personnel Security, ER/LR, Performance & Awards)

Want to Learn More About the Power of GovStrive?

GovStrive provides a superior and personalized experience for our clients. By customizing tested and effective methodologies and tools, our teams of consultants, HR Specialists and advisors are able to address the root cause of organizational challenges to achieve impactful results.

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We’re here when you need someone to tackle complex federal workforce and
HR problems through collaboration, innovation, and experience.


Our Work Environment Assessments

Improving Federal Work Environments Through Data-Driven Insights

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