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Change Management &
Employee Experience

federal change management


As federal agencies continue to respond to and transform with new administrations, congressional mandates and requests, changing regulations, an evolving workforce and never-ending technology changes, it’s clear that change is the new normal.

Our employee-focused approach to change breaks down silos, provides easily adaptable tools and processes, and builds critical partnerships for federal agencies to achieve success. We weave federal change management capabilities through all of our service offerings and client projects, embracing the concept of change champions and employee engagement through integrated awareness campaigns to ensure organization-wide adoption and sustainment.

Proven tools, templates, and processes to foster employee understanding, commitment and lasting organizational change.

Highlights of Change Management Components

Strategic Communications

Stakeholder Readiness/ Engagement


User Adoption

GovStrive’s New Hire Onboarding Experience Solution Offers:

Your New Hires:

  • Fully engaged and immersed in agency culture and values from job acceptance to Day 1 and beyond
  • Productive and engaged on Day 1
  • Increased retention rates

Your Hiring Managers and Supervisors:

  • Engaged with new hires starting with job acceptance
  • Improved productivity for new hires
  • Reduced administrative burden onboarding new hires

Your Agency:

  • Transformed with modern tools and communication to onboard in today’s virtual landscape
  • Resources freed up from onboarding tasks to focus more on strategic issues
  • Increased retention rates

Check out our Corporate Overview

We’re here when you need someone to tackle complex federal workforce and
HR problems through collaboration, innovation, and experience.


Our Work Environment Assessments

Improving Federal Work Environments Through Data-Driven Insights

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