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GovStrive Wins 5-year, $250M Multiple Award BPA from USDA Forest Service

Press Release | April 27th, 2021

USDA Agencies and Administrative Offices now have an effortless and efficient contracting vehicle to meet Human Resources Management Support Services.

Dublin, GA, Albuquerque, NM, Atlanta, GA, and Arlington, VA, April 27, 2021 – GovStrive, a leader in managed services, management consulting, and workforce solutions announces its BPA Award win and that, in partnership with USDA, Forest Service, it remains positioned to provide best-in-class support for federal Human Resources Management Support Services (HRMSS). The Award provides a broader pathway and contracting ease to procure GovStrive support for HRMSS needs across the USDA enterprise, as the Award ceiling, valued at $250M, creates capacity for the BPA to be utilized by USDA and all its Agencies and Administrative Offices. Contracting with GovStrive, a Historically Under-utilized Business Zone (HUBZone) entity, provides an added benefit as it helps agencies meet their small business procurement goals by supporting a HUBZone–a Small Business Administration program for companies that operate and employ people in these geographically designated areas.

“Our mantra—we are Federal HR Experts, goes beyond a slogan. It is our living brand and practice,” says James Sasser, CEO and President of GovStrive. “This, coupled with our services and software products, our status as a HUBZone-certified HR firm on GSA MAS, our OASIS contracting vehicle, and now through this Forest Service BPA, federal HR organizations and agencies have several available contracting means to do business with GovStrive and to take advantage of our offerings to improve service and delivery.”

Information on purchasing from GovStrive on the USDA Forest Service BPA and other contract vehicles is available at

About GovStrive

GovStrive provides best-in-class support to federal clients across the Human Resources (HR) arenas. From challenge identification to solution implementation, GovStrive employs its proprietary tools—built for the federal market and its highly skilled project teams—comprised of former federal HR leaders and subject matter experts to help clients stabilize and innovate their operations, achieve Program priorities, and accomplish their most challenging strategic objectives.

The power of GovStrive drives successful execution of workforce strategies to facilitate large and small transformation, business process reengineering, and technology adoption projects within Federal HR organizations, which is achieved by leveraging analytical and employee engagement solutions to champion data-driven decision making and lasting organizational change.


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